
Feb 7, 2025, 19:32
Rudolf Sommer, new Vice President of UNICEO® in Germany

Rudolf Sommer, new Vice President of UNICEO® in Germany

14 september 2016

United Networks of International Corporate Event Organizers, the international association bringing together senior decision-makers in charge of corporate events appointed Rudolf Sommer as Vice President for Germany. Rudolf Sommer has over 30 years’ experience in international business and event management having organized events for EnBW and other corporations for over 25 years.

In his role at UNICEO, he will lead the development of the association in Germany and the German speaking countries and in particular the organization of Leader Meetings, communication to new members, relations with the government and institutions as well as creating a network to establish NGOs and educational institutions focused on subjects around live communication.

"Germany is the leading country for corporate events in Europe and we see it becoming one of the main countries for our association, " said Debora Piovesan, Vice President for UNICEO International. "The fact that Rudolf Sommer has accepted this responsibility is, for our association, a very positive step in our networking development. We’re very pleased to benefit from his wide experience and leadership and the fact that he, as one of our members, fully understand our members’ needs."

''I firmly believe that we’re stronger together so I joined UNICEO® very happy to see that finally, there was an association made by and for corporates, to assist their daily business in terms of sharing best practice,” said Rudolf Sommer. “Germany, Switzerland and Austria are pioneers in discovering the challenges and opportunities coming up within the next decade, caused by migration, economic
and social changes and rapid changes in the market. Live communication is the most direct access to the heart of clients to create commitment, identification and trust for brand and product stories. UNICEO® is started to create the pool for influencers as well as act as a sensor of movement in all branches based on its members’ discussion platform. All decision-makers should be part of it.”